The Zees are at Uncle Joe's House!
Uncle Joe lives about a mile from downtown Portland, in the Buckman neighborhood. He's got 5 chickens, from which he gets about 3 eggs per day. Mighty tasty. It may seem a little odd to raise chickens in Portland, but my younger sister (professor at Phillip's Academy in Andover) also raises chickens. As does my older sister, who is a statistics professor at the University of Colorado. My younger brother (engineer at Ford in Dearborn, MI) used to raise chickens, but he lost a battle with the city council. So I guess it's me, who doesn't raise chickens, who is the outlier.
Joe lives in a great neighborhood, with a real sense of community. An indication of this is that he shares his extra eggs, and often gets vegetables from others' gardens. Another indication of the sense of community was that about an hour after waking up, I found myself carting wheelbarrows of cement for a neighbor's back patio.
The cement crew is featured above.
I seem to remember carting many wheelbarrows of cement in the rain at someone's house...